A FREE one hour Discovery Session gives us a good idea of how we will work together. As we get down through the specifics of your life situation and your ideal vision of quality of life, we co-create an opportunity to set a powerful direction for our course of action. The four areas we'll work on are:
- Health & Exercise
- Finance & Career
- Romance & Relationships
- Happiness & Wellbeing
Our work is all about discovering where your energy is hidden, given away and stuck. We reveal your unique OPPORTUNITY to see where your old stories, labels, associations and obligations are holding you back. This is a process of stripping away unnecessary complexity that leaks your life energy.
Our work sets you up to discover your new internal titanium foundation and prepares you to operate at the next highest-possible level of performance. In each moment of your life. With renewed passion, dedication, commitment and focus....
In our Discovery Session you'll be introduced to the 5M Method which we will use as a framework for our continued work together:
- Motivation
- Mindset
- Movement
- Momentum
- Maintenance
You already have everything you need to get started with this work. Wherever you are is the best place you can be. Opportunity is always available. Now.

Client testimonials:
Peter Anthony, Adelaide, Australia
Kaleo facilitates massive transformation and paradigm shifts that leads you within to YOUR empowerment and unique Program. Your power to change your perspective, the one thing we have control over. It all is exactly how we choose to see it: problem or opportunity. Are we a victim or a student? Do we choose to suffer or learn? To live outside/separate of ourselves or live coming from our truth and power within? No longer do I feel to search outside myself for my answers to solve ‘problems’. I have the opportunity to go within, my power to shine is here in my heart space. I am the answer and every ‘problem’ in my life is my opportunity to shine. Transform to now … simply, its always been and always will be. “I solidify myself on my Throne of Presence … this is my only job” Kaleo’s work is groundbreaking and essential if your seeking to truly shine on Purpose!
Rachel Koehne, Missouri, USA
What a blessing!! The Universe definitely knew what it was doing when creating you, Kaleo Selah. You have something to offer that the whole world desperately needs.
I’m just blown away by our latest conversation and I didn't think what happened COULD happen, but it did!!! I only wish my emotion could be adequately expressed through these mere words on a screen….
Peace and LOVE.
Mary Leen, New Mexico, USA
Kaleo Selah. . . get ready.
We have worked together more than a few times over the past ten years. This kind of work transforms. . . not just the ones doing the work. It transforms the universe. Sometimes it feels like the earth’s rotation switched directions.
We have worked one-on-one, and Kaleo Selah has worked with my university students. Over my 28 years of teaching, I have formed strong bonds with women students, but the men students in my classes have been blown away by Kaleo Selah. In addition to my day job at the university, my fiber arts have blossomed — especially my weaving.
My work with Kaleo Selah has stretched me and my art into a public realm. It’s impossible to measure my growth.
Kurt Murray, London, UK
Bar none the best person I have ever had the pleasure to work with in smashing through whatever ailed me. Kaleo’s ability to know you better than you know yourself is amazing, scary and if I was not ready potentially lethal (after all this is the real deal here and is not for those not wanting less than the highest quality of life).
Miss him and Nina dearly and cannot stress enough the value of working with this man if are ready to transform fear into love on an epic scale.
Kim Haden, Adelaide, Australia
For a long time I have felt something was missing, like a piece of my jigsaw. That was until I met Kaleo.
After spending a some time with this amazing man, I feel as though the veil has been lifted and I can see clearly for the first time in many, many years. Things finally make sense!!!
Truly grateful and blessed this man has come into my life.
Viviane Laigle, Sydney, Australia
If you are looking for an amazing coach, contact Kaleo 🙂 – I personally worked with him 3 years ago and the shift I made was probably the most impactful of all. I have worked with many in the domains of coaching, personal development sessions, energy healing work, transformational coaching, hypnosis, past life regression… and I am a believer that many mentors are needed in one’s lifetime and do not get me wrong they all have their roles to play for you to create an amazing life but… working with this man changed my LIFE .... LIKE CHANGED COMPLETELY. 3 years later I am still learning from him. Thank you for the work you do. Your message is now accessible to many more ----- it is only getting started. Damn this is sooo good. <3 Love you K.
Justin Tyler, Adelaide, Australia
When I met Kaleo I thought I was functionality happy with my self defeating woe is me attitude. I enjoyed dwelling and procrastinating in my self-depressinating wollow.
Since associating with him and those who mix with him and a mustard seeds of faith of his teachings, I now today have
- Become more aware
- Feel happiness again
- Have moved on from divorce
- Have the strength and confidence not just stand up but vibrate
- Just bought my X out and now own my own home as of today.
But it's not just all about that (as good as it is) it's about how to spread this.
Thanks Big Kids Justin Man hug
Rachel Harding, Bali, Indonesia
Just had an amazing 2 hr session with The Man – Kaleo Selah…
Feeling a deeper presence than ever before, a completion of a lifetime conundrum. I journeyed into my mind, then I journeyed into my body. Seeking. But I was always choosing mind over body, thinking over feeling every time. Even when I realised it the first time back in 2008, when I started to journey into the body, feelings, felt sense. But this mind over matter – really mind f***s over what matters! – would get me confused and in my confusion I was lost to myself, my insight my intuition my imagination… No good decisions are made in confusion. This much we know!
Tonight I went on a journey to rewrite the operating system back to NEW-NORMAL, sanity in other words. I put my brain back into it’s true place… And got into the HeartSpace… A deep silent presence where there’s no confusion. Only Peace Only Love Only Connection Only Oneness Now listening deeper. To the silence. Expanded into the Bliss That I Am – the bliss that is all there is… And it’s easy It’s instant It’s now.
Thank you dear brother, I needed that! Love you. If you’re ready for clear directive truth and reordering of your faulty wiring that’s at the root of all that’s going wrong – he’s The Man. And this is The Work. And you know I don’t say that about just anyone!