“Unravelling the Masculine Dilemma” preview

Here’s a little sneak-peek description of the book I’m writing:

I’m writing another book called “Unravelling the Masculine Dilemma”. It’s really really really good. Super hard-hitting and confronting. Every person needs to read it to better understand why men do what we do. Society gives us a no-win situation from birth and it truly sucks until we die. When a man’s life is based on following the rules of society’s institutions, he has no inner compass of his own. He’s a follower, never a leader. Everything in his life is based on false narratives handed down by others who have fallen to the same foolishness. And the entire world just encourages us to go down the same old bullshit road til death. We are totally replaceable cogs in the wheel with no inherent value. I’m really quite serious about bringing all this to the surface for the rest of my life. Men need to know they aren’t slaves if they want something other than the stupidity. Everyone I speak with just goes silent before going crazy with deeper understanding and personal examples. Women especially want this book spread wide and far