Energy is the stuff of life. Harmonics is what makes energy move. This is what we do…
Q: Hi Kaleo, a question for the DPCÂ page. As the electricians of our own lives.On the metaphor of the closed circuit, referred to by Alan watts in one of his lectures. That being that any electrical circuit does not run at all until its destination point is closed. If this is true for all human…
Q: Kaleo, I’ve been having this tangible experience lately that if any “one” of us pursues any kind of healing, the whole is healed. Two dear friends go to Puru to take Ayahuaska, they see their demons over seven nights of hellish torment, and when they get back, *my* demons are gone. I wonder if…
the reason quantum physics is so important to our training is simple: ALL DRAGON TRAINING PROVES QUANTUM REALITY. I’ll be brief and direct with this right now. your subjective feeling of fear is tied to your subjective idea of risk. risk requires loss. when you change your idea of risk, you change everything. what you…
dragons are the top of the food chain. we exist on all dimensions. we are the pinnacle of evolutionary intelligence and wisdom incarnate. dragon is the prototypical physical form of what humans know as Gods. we are truth incarnate. we have no equal. nothing can resist us. we always win. we have no unmet needs.…
*MATURE CONTENT* it’s all about moving energy by any means available. unconditional. right now
Feeling Intelligence is the focus of our deep shadow work. Getting thru your mentally-constructed “meaning” allows you to arrive at the transpersonal zero-point where your unconditional opportunity perspective comes alive. At this central point of inner silence, you connect with your heart. You become one with your Creative Source. You become the One in All.…
Q: Kaleo, why is it that I feel so comfortable telling you the details of all my issues while I won’t even share even the slightest detail with my husband, sister or best friend? Why do I tell you intimate things immediately even though we have never met? I love working with you. Payment is…
Check this out and see what kind of world we really inhabit. There are many many many secrets that appear in front of our collective eyes each day. Our wake-up call came a long time ago… and some of us actually heard it. Serious business for All.
COSMIC ORGASM IS REAL Q: Kaleo, what is cosmic orgasm? A: cosmic orgasm occurs when we are centered in our body AND connected to the center of the earth AND connected to the center of the galaxy. when we are connected and integrated in this way, the energy that flows thru you is the energy…
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